Food Blog

Millet mango peanut salad and spicy black-eyed pea patties

Continuing my Vegan Eats World tour, tonight’s dinner is the millet mango peanut salad with black-eyed pea patties on the side. I don’t cook millet often, and usually mango is reserved for the boyfriend’s snacking needs, but these sounded like a lovely combination. And–besides the mango and all the dry ingredients–the veggies and aromatics were all available at the farmers’ market. Yum. The picture above is a “snack” portion: I’m headed to Pilates tonight, and Pilates on a full stomach is a bad idea, but I wanted to make sure everything was tasty.

These recipes both made so many portions, you guys. I am expecting mega-leftovers, which is good, since I am on my own for lunch nowadays and these dishes both seem like they’ll keep well. They’re spicy and bright with citrus tang and fresh herbs and onion and have great texture. The patties are a little bit like baked falafel, but softer, since black-eyed peas are decidedly mushier than chickpeas. Plus, the colors! I love a colorful plate.