Research & Analysis Projects

Word cloud of keywords found in r/relationships posts

Social Media Text Analysis: Reddit

Based on a student data project that used Python machine learning libraries to analyze text from the social news and discussion site Reddit, we developed a scholarly research paper to ...
Social Media, Identity, & Self-Expression Survey screenshot on Google Forms

Social Media Survey Research Plan

For my graduate-level survey research methods course, I devised a questionnaire and research proposal to investigate attitudes about personal disclosure and privacy on different social media platforms, especially among gender ...
Scatterplot of engagement metrics over time

Social Media Data Analysis: Twitter

In Fall 2020, the final group project in Problem Solving With Data asked us to use newly-learned R and Python skills to analyze tweets to answer self-selected research questions aimed ...
Screenshot of Tumblr search results experience for query "Charleston" sometime after the horrific church shooting

Tumblr in Web Search Experiment

Explored ways to feature relevant, engaging Tumblr content in Yahoo web search results. Tumblr in Yahoo Search results (no longer live) Ask After Yahoo acquired Tumblr, Search leadership asked me ...

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